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Category: Swarming
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Category: Swarming


4. Lifestyles

4.1. Exponential and early post-exponential lifestyles

4.1.4. Swarming

cheAchemotactic signal modulator
cheYmodulation of flagellar switch bias
efp[category|SW 3.3.1|Translation]
flhGactivation of FlhF
hag[SW|motility and chemotaxis]
sigDregulation of flagella, motility, chemotaxis and autolysis
sinRcontrol of [SW|biofilm formation]
slrAcontrol of motility and biofilm formation
slrRregulation of initiation of [SW|biofilm formation] and of autolysis
srfAAantibiotic synthesis, biocontrol of fungal growth
srfABantibiotic synthesis
srfACantibiotic synthesis
srfADantibiotic synthesis
swrAcontrol of [protein|D343D2096664A972026D911E7A17A35C7B1CD1C9|DegU] activity
ymfImodification of [protein|3054CD45713BBD69C2A528DE24AF6AF37175FD9D|Efp]

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